Week 57:Happening At Last
Lots of Ha Ha Ha here. You might think i’m kidding because this has been so long coming.
Yes! Habits do Happen. Some seem to just show up, what we do repetitively. Some wanted, some not so much. Some are challenging to add or break.
When we want to change one or create a new one, it can take more than an intention to get them happening!
Thus, i’m offering a workshop starting Wed. May 11th 7:00 pm EST for 6 weeks.
Whether, you’re adding or subtracting, breaking or making a habit, if you find yourself falling off, here are some tips.
If you want help, Haven Habits can get you going with a new habit that’s been calling and or challenging you…

My drawing practice – habit continues… This is a drawing of the aloe plant in the kitchen window, a line drawing from 2021. i’m adding color to it, though here i’m just prepping for the color, erasing the grey.
Next week you’ll see the color as spring returns…
Thanks for reading! Please share with anyone you think might be interested.