Here, the beginning of color added to Double Decker & below a 3 minute stream write on “line” with a few edits just for spacing, readability.
Line: a double yellow line, do not cross the bold double stripe in the middle of the road, road takes you someplace else, known or unknown,
Are you curious to go some place new or long for the comfort of a familiar scene? Both have their place.
Place a sense of place, its sights and smells bring you back to a memory in time, peering out a window, across the street at the double decker house. i imagine what colors it might become after it is all fixed up.
Up in the sky i saw a circle of buzzards the other day coasting around, they have occasionally been roosting in the tall trees in the cemetery there is a hill i walk often to see the view.
View out the window at the double decker house beyond the double yellow line.
i’ve not been stream writing, dropped it in the fullness of life. But then, what is 5 minutes? i was committed in the spring when i ran Haven Habits and then it started to feel like a chore which it never had when i was doing them during the Creative Workshop in 2020.