What A Day!
Ever have the experience where you didn’t realize how much you needed something until after it showed up, unaware until you felt that wonderful combination of relief and excitement? A delightful conversation today brought this fresh awareness.
In my efforts to improve & develop more evolved and conscious states and culture, my realization of a hidden need, was a welcome reminder. If i could get to some “ultimate” evolved super conscious state, then i’d miss the wonderful delight in this kind of ah ha experience!
So instead of criticizing myself as i might have in the past “why didn’t you realize sooner and do something about that missing thing?” i’m just enjoying the pleasure of the surprise connection! Thank you!
Then, i happened across a wonderful uplifting song a friend recently sent to me. Happy to be Here by Wookiefoot i’m sharing it along with the above first phase of the drawing Double Decker of the house across the street.
It was already a double decker day when i came back from walking pup, Tucker McDuff and saw that the man who owns the double decker house was there working. It was fun to share the start of the drawing with him.
Our recent meeting and a tour of the house and his stellar work in progress, led to me choosing this drawing to work on next.
Porch note… the day i met him, he shared that he’d been advised by some to remove the porch. We discussed how much it’s an important feature of the house. Part of what is special about it, a great place to relax and reflect on ones day. Furthermore, porches create connecting points for neighbors and pedestrian visitors. They help to create community. And the second story adds charm, quick access to the outside for the upstairs residents and the benefits of a view from above. I was pleased to learn he planned to repair & retain the Double Decker.
i skipped the blog last week, partly because i sent my newsletter out last week and some of you are on both lists. So thinking to avoid a double up in a place where folks already get plenty of email. It also helped me get back to posting on a Friday as i had considered in my last post.
If you’re not on my newsletter list, here’s the latest
inclusive of an early bird special for both workshops launching in January of 2023. Haven Habits & What’s Next? Finding Your Abracadabra
Use Code EBIRD33 for 33% savings when you register by 11/30/22.
i hope you have a Double Decker weekend & Week ahead!