i was talking with a friend from Scotland on a zoom and had shared that i had been vacuuming the lawn. We were interrupted before i explained why. Later we were quite amused when she shared that before i returned to finish my grass vacuuming story, she was imagining all kinds of odd gardening practices that we might have in the United States.
This led to an interesting exchange about cultural practices, perceptions, assumptions & expectations, funny and powerful.
She later sent me three funny images of women vacuuming lawns with different types of vacuums.
By the way, it was shattered glass i was vacuuming from a broken patio table in the pen of my mom’s adorable fountain eared dog, Tucker McDuff.
& just a few pub drawings this week to accompany the gift in the mess above. i’m not so fond of this drawing relative to others i have with the same book in them but i am oddly attached to it because of the story.
Thanks for reading, i hope you have a great week!