After a Second Summer pause
Last week, the day i was going to post, i realized i needed another break. i had the time, i had been adding color to this drawing, so i could have posted easily with limited writing. i felt the deliberate decision inside. It wasn’t a case of over committed time on the day.
Reflecting back on this second gap in my weekly posts, i thought, am i going to drop posting every week?
i could have written ahead. Then, i could take a break when needed with out a gap.
Does it matter?
If part of what i’m doing here is sharing process, why not include the gap?
Especially, as it was a strong urge, some part of me daring another part, caring. A mischievous intervention of members of my inner creative team on my behalf.
And, no i’m not stopping, i like the weekly rhythm, the incremental creating that comes from the commitment to keep going, to share here; inclusive of occasional spontaneous breaks!
As i return, i am celebrating, the “do nothing days!” of summer. i don’t actually mean that you, “do nothing”, though that would be fine. It’s about giving yourself permission for a no agenda, block of time. Take away the to-do list and let the time unfold.
Breathe deeply, slow down, wander, daydream, read, listen, observe & be curious.
Soak in the lush vibrant greens, glistening plump purple berries. Watch crimson blossoms blowing kisses to cumulus floating puffs in the big blue above.
So, last week i took an afternoon to be alone and enjoy the full abundance of the summer season, remembrance of endless days of childhood play. Free from school day, work day constraints.
Admission, i did “do” some but not what was on my list and with plenty of guilt free meandering sidetracks.
It was great, and the week that followed, one of my best all summer. i can’t help but wonder what opened up with that permission.
Working for yourself, its easy to have the pressure of never ending to-do list seep into everyday.
Do-nothing days are important invitation to your imagination.
When was the last time you took a spontaneous Do-nothing day and got curious to see what was around the next bend in time?
What’s Next? will be here soon enough…
If you’re looking to the fall to create a new daily rhythm, registration is open for fall series of Little Haven Habits Workshop.
Have a great week!