Plate of Glass or Translucent Fish
Flounder to be more precise. i was looking up windopane to confirm how to spell “pane” and discovered there is a north Atlantic flounder, by the same name. It’s translucent and thin, attributes that likely provoked its naming.
i wonder what it calls itself?
No pub drawings this week. Arriving with pad in tow as usual, i had guests or rather i was their guest, treated in celebration of a worthy marker. i put my pencil down and thoroughly enjoyed the company, the meal & the music!
Thus, this week just sharing 2 earlier phases of the above drawing.
Below these 2, a reminder about my Jumpstart for Living the Magic Membership. Your help to share appreciated especially with my recent translucent floundering, ha ha, in the sharing arena.

Last week, i mentioned a cart before horse, sequence with what i’ve been up to. Not a multi-tasker, with a lot on my plate, (who doesn’t have that these days) i immerse to complete, and even then it can take awhile…
So the result of my recent immersion has me surfacing with an invitation to jump “softly”’ into the next part.
Time to share what i am up to with you and more and invite any toe dipping creatives to jump in with me.
Whatever, it is you might be hesitating about, if you are ready to get off the fence, i invite you to join me in my latest Little Haven Adventure.
i’m offering an incentive. If you join before May 1st use code: Jumpstart for 6 months free membership.
Please share with any toe dipping creatives, you know who might be ready to get off the fence…
Thank you!