Day 354: Waves, One flows after another, lapping on the sand bubbles at the surface, captured in the wave, put the thought in the wave or the bubble and let it go, floating to the top, spreading out, relaxing from the sound of the waves lapping on the beach. Oh it is 7 degrees, the snow crunches no splash right now, not liquid like a wave at present state but it will be again come spring it will flow and then the seasons like waves keep flowing. When you can feel the rhythm, it is calming, just to trust the cycles, always there, always to be counted on, some underlying structure and pattern threading everything together, can’t see it close up, it seems all so steep yet step back and it changes, lots of little rivulets all coming together and then reaching out, like a breath then releasing like thoughts in a bubble floating up and away on the top of a wave.
Can you float on a wave? Can you imagine doing something as easily as floating on a wave? And if you can’t float, imagine you’re a cork and that you can float like a cork.