Enough Said!
Ha Ha! Just kidding… i always have more to say, Often too much, according to some ; –
Yes i can be a wordy girl, and i talk with my hands too!
So… Yes, the standup comic at open mic this week got my attention. He used his hands a great deal. Fun and challenging to draw!
On the wordiness of me. i’ve some more simplifying to do… Thanks to several generous viewers, i see more to simplify now, & haven’t gotten to the edits yet. Ahh the fullness of life!
i hope you find your way in despite whatever meander it may take. And as i time loop and unloop and loop back, learning as i go. if you’d like to join me, as i practice, not perfect at Living The Magic, i’m extending my special through June 1st!
Use code: Jumpstart for 6 months free access.
& you get to be a part of the charter brew, i mean crew.
Or maybe it is also a witches brew?
Jump in! Find out?
First Q&A Zoom happens this Tues eve at 7pm and there will be other pop up calls as we get started.

This will be the next drawing to get color.
One of my first attempts to draw back into the simple loose line drawing interiors that i started during The Creatives Workshop in 2020. The dive which sparked Little Haven into being.
& a few pub drawings below from May 1st!
Thanks for reading and sharing with anyone you think might appreciate what i’m up to!