Week 68: Not Yet
Things feel like they are moving slowly and at the same time, i think, “where has the time gone?”
A stream on Not yet:
Not yet! Can’t wait, not yet, can’t wait…
Back and forth, a kid on the edge of a diving board or the top of the ski jump, a student about to go under and try their first roll over and recover in a kayak. Exhilaration, being on the edge, anticipation before a leap.
Or, just, not yet, it needs more work, not pink, not orange maybe lavender?
Not soap, lavender in the garden, i was weeding around the lavender today and inspected 3 praying mantis egg cases attached to the lavender stems.
They have hatched but i see no baby mantis. Just maybe, some survived being eaten by a bird or bug or toad. Whatever likes to eat baby mantis, i don’t know.
i expect some survived and will appear along the way but i haven’t seen any, not yet.
Fear or exhilaration? When do you perceive witch? Or which?
Not yet, no launch date, Thanks for your anticipation & reading.
Have a great week!
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