There goes your line, like fishing, maybe you have something, maybe not, you pull it in…
Did you land something or over doo it & lose it?
It’s a balance and a practice, pay attention, relaxed concentration, playful approach, luck, mystery, trust the process, tease that fish out of the water!
i like the challenge of aiming to keep it simple & i’m inclined to overdo it.
i also like the contrast of something complex, dense, intense, full.
Both approaches and everything in between can work or fail. So i keep practicing, sometimes i land a fish fit for a feast, many times, just compost…
Nutrients for what’s next…
i was thinking about a peach, what if the walls of your room could be as vibrant, and beautiful as a peach?
So, i added more intense peachier color than the last version, and some other changes. Now, i think i’d just rather eat a peach. Living inside of one, maybe not.