Day 346: Roads and Bridges, we need more bridges. We have lots of roads traveling all over sometimes in a tangle like in the middle of the drawing where everything converges and its not very clear, feels all blocked up and overwhelming. How will we find our way? Yet, there is a path through… Sometimes we need a bridge to find the way, sometimes it seems like there aren’t any bridges, only dead ends but if we imagine a road could be a pencil line on a page instead of pavement that stops at the edge of understanding, a big gap with fast current going so strongly perpendicular that we can’t imagine how we will cross it. Yet, is it so far to draw a new line or trail, something to span that gap, a way of seeing where we are and where we are trying to go. Maybe just maybe, if we step back, breath, inspect with curiosity rather than fear and judgment, try something new, listen deeper to the earth and all her inhabitants, see what she can tell us? Maybe we can find a way forward together rather than feeling stuck and angry we can draw a bridge, a simple line from “hear” to there, together, join the roads, together to find the common ground and there plant seeds for the future.
Whats your road been like? Where and how could you stretch to build a bridge, to find common ground?