To Sky
Only subtle changes in Sky Man, mostly in the background color. Hmm not sure i like it better than the state it was in last week. Will sit with it for a bit.
i’ve begun working on another musician drawing below intending to add color next.
& i returned the pencil to my hand while at the pub this week. Those drawings below, first a stream on the word Return.
Return… return to what? Return again, isn’t that back and forth, return to the drawing from before, inching it forward, itching it forward
Forward is not return, unless by circling around, somehow, back gets you farther ahead. Nonsensical, non sense icicle. Yes a cold shock!
Sometimes, life is like that. A big Ouch, hiccup! Disappointment with a capital D for a young twenty one can sting, so sour, so sad.
& reflecting back, returning to the experience in time you are able to see with the wisdom of the years behind you, how that very disappointment led to a new path that you couldn’t imagine, wouldn’t trade for all the world.
Your purpose unfolding as you go, sometime on what seems to be a quite convoluted path. Yes, like tracking something spilled all about.
Yes, spilled, spill some tears and then take a deep breath and open to the new possibility before you, each ouch making you stronger and more ready for the challenge that it will take to bring forth your golden gift or blue sky song, yes blue sky will return.
Wish i had a better balm to offer, alas a time balm is not very soothing in the moment. So
How many times, i return to remind myself & thereby others to: Trust the Process!

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