Rhymes with Chevy
Heavy rhymes with Chevy but Heavy Metal Music, the genre maybe not so much of a rhyme with a Chevy. i’m not sure what car would rhyme with heavy metal music but i wouldn’t say a Chevrolet. Not unless it had been altered into some kind of hot rod.
Taste buds, flavors and layers of how we rhyme change over time as we explore & expand our cuisine.
i remember exercises playing with genre in a theater improve class, i struggled with them more than other exercises but came to understand the usefulness of playing with genre in a new way when i was taking The Creative Workshop at Akimbo with Seth Godin in 2020.
There were many prompts to explore as a part of the workshop and the one exploring genre and this simple question:
Who or what do you rhyme with?
i found to be a meaty & freeing inquiry.
i’ve thought about it a lot and it bubbled up again last Sunday, often the day i post this blog. My holiday drawing wasn’t quite done yet and i didn’t want to post a mid phase with it.
Ahh a perfect time to share some thoughts on rhyming and this collection of drawings below. All of Nick, a musician i draw a lot at The Poultney Pub.
Rather than posting from just one evening of drawing, all of these drawings are from over a span of time but all of him playing Heavy Metal (HM) music. He often does one or two HM songs at the end of the evening after playing other music of a much gentler genre.
In general i’m not such a fan of heavy metal music but just a taste of it with one instrument (well and a looper) that Nick plays, i have found interesting in contrast to his other music. Also i enjoy feeling and then drawing with the ruckus vigorous energy of his Heavy Metal songs.
i like that the drawings of him playing Heavy Metal are distinct and exhibit the energy of the genre, a flavor of Heavy Metal.
On timing… i also felt i had a rhythm too much recently, of posting after 9 pm on a tired Sunday night and needed to give my self permission this week to ease up on the blog speedometer. Yes post a day (or 2) later than usual in favor of a longer in breath after a very full stretch. i’ll revisit the weekly rhythm of when i post to re-enliven it in the weeks ahead.
i hope you enjoy these heavy metal drawings and maybe there will be some new pub drawings next week. Maybe some 2025 Living The Magic new cycle start dates… who knows? Maybe some other adventures too.
Thanks for being here reading and viewing these posts. it’s nice to know you rhyme with me enough to stick around. i appreciate knowing you are here.