Membership Checkout

Membership Level

You have selected the LTM Inner Haven Membership (Formerly Level 2) membership level.


Access to a private on-line forum & 3 monthly group video calls. For more info, return to full description.      

The price for membership is $0.00 now and then $15.55 per Month for 5 more Months.

Membership expires after 5 Months.

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Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


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Payment Information We accept all major credit cards

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Guidelines- Terms & Tips

These guidelines apply for participation in Little Haven Services, Living the Magic Inner Haven Membership Video Calls, Private Discord Server, Groups, Workshops & Sessions.

Thank you for reading them ahead of subscribing and participating in Little Haven Membership & other offerings.

1) Please be respectful and keep confidentiality in groups, workshops and in the Living the Magic (LTM) Community Membership Forum currently held on a private Discord Server (for paid subscribers or through invitation only). Please keep your login information secure and private.

2) Please do your best to be generous, open  & curious in communications with others & with yourself. (Gift it forward!)

3) Recognizing that humans tend to develop some form of inner judgement (parts) and thus can unconsciously reflect that outward, please aspire to have compassion and kindness towards self & others. Do your best to leave both outward and self-directed judgment behind.

4) We are here to improve, grow, learn and support others in their endeavor to do so. As we build habits, practices, daily rhythms and explore and develop. If you “mess up”, make it right, be accountable, act to repair, improve. Seek to understand and find common ground. Assume the best in yourself and others. Seek to discover unmet needs at the source of others distress with your communication should any arise.

termination of services

If you are unable to follow my guidelines, to keep confidences and participate in a respectful manner, i reserve the right to remove you from the shared server and terminate your participation in Little Haven Services. Thank you!


1) Sometimes when you have had a rough patch, you need to vent/clear as a part of releasing in order to get beyond the resistance to getting to a better place. Find a way to release (ie old story channel) and then return your attention to present and future intentions.

2) Focus on what you can appreciate and be grateful for in your and other’s paths (ie., Magic Flow Report). When you build on gratitude and appreciation, it expands the magic.

3) Give yourself permission to show up, it’s a practice not a perfect, repeated practice need not be perfect to get to excellence. Be accountable & No beating yourself up. Keep returning to the practice and you’ll build momentum and find your flow.

4) Post even if its not going well, be willing to be vulnerable, it takes courage and it helps others do the same. You help others while helping yourself by taking the risk and reaching out from that place. It helps us connect and grow together.

5) Trust the Process!

6) Celebrate your wins! Even the small ones, even the future ones (ie., mental rehearsal & visualization). Share in Magic Pot/Flow Report.

Thank you!