Are you asking the right questions?
i’ve been feeling challenged by the color in the latest in-process drawing. Sometimes your mood colors more than just what you’re on at the moment…
Yes, there has been a lot of resistance present. Not surprising with starting something new, long anticipated and important to me.
With relief, i’m happy to report all went well at Little Haven’s first Zoom of Living the Magic Membership, no major glitches despite my aversion to technology. & frosting was, delightful energy and synergy with participants.
If you’re ready to:
Discover, Practice or Deepen your Creative Magic!
i’ll be offering extra intro zooms to help new participants connect and find their way in. Or if you’re a curious fence sitter trying to decide, it might help, come see?
Next is Tues May 28th at 7 pm EST. RSVP on my contact page or better yet register for 6 months free access using code: Jumpstart by July 1st at Living the Magic
Thank you for reading and sharing with anyone you think might appreciate what i’m up to.
Not a full on stream-write below but a little riff from a see-saw day, i hope you enjoy it.
Resilience in the Face of Resistance
Where is it?
Not feeling it
Can’t find it?
The fullness of life can be luscious, exhilarating – overwhelming, smothering…
Many moments, something in between.
Breathing in, then releasing, noticing then letting go, in breath, out breath.
Waves at the edge of the sea
The rhythm of the tide, inside
Gathering then spreading
Crashing or gentle
Ever present
Your breath, ever present
Gather & Release