When the path is blocked, time for a detour, take or make another route. May be slower but not as slow as pure stubbornness at a dead end.
Last week, no mater what i did, i couldn’t solve the tech issue that was stumping my way forward. i finally let go. i still haven’t solved the quirk preventing me from sharing, uploading, or even saving this drawing to a file.
In time, i did find an alternate route. A screen shot allowed me to reload the image and i’ve been able to continue working on it.
2 weeks ago i learned the tech issue was unrelated to my specific circumstances, a regional issue even effecting fire and police. Somehow, through my frustration, i managed to get the image posted.
Last week. not so lucky…more quirks unrelated to the regional outage prevented me from uploading, i could not post- After letting it go for a spell, upon returning…
i found an obvious temporary solution, i hadn’t been able to see before due to the knot of persistence trying to find the right way through. Oddly, it was persistence that got me here to post again.
Leave it for a bit… return & it has turned and the answer is clear. At least one answer even if not the main quirk solved.
A simple screen shot…
Amusingly, i think i like the black and white line drawing without color of this image best. We’ll see what i think when i get done with it…
Persistence, how do you distinguish, enough or too much?