Day 357: Jam, i have some Strawberry Rhubarb jam, jam as in culture jam’n, jam it, interrupt the mainstream, status quo, insanity that has been unfolding for a while, years, half a century, more, though it seems accelerated. Maybe i’m accelerated, though i have felt the opposite, step on the gas peddle, make it go faster. No! slow down, choose differently, not go, go, go, i don’t like rushing unless it’s the rushing of water falling from a riverbed as i dive into the back of the falls, natures joy ride to be swirled around, playing with the smooth rocks on the bottom, then burst out into the shine. No rushing to complete, trust slow, steady, slow, not a break peddle though, a flower petal next to a bluebird on a horse shoe for good luck above that jar of jam. i love jam, different kinds of jam, but rather than culture jamming it up, stopping it, i’d rather be jamming with, improvising, playing, creating. Come jam with me, make a better culture, spread some positive jam, find the common jam, there’s an olive leaf too, peacemaking jam, yeah spread your jam, your sweet spot jam, give it, feed others, make jam with them, light up the world with your happy bluebird sweet spot jam.