Haven Stream

Week 47: Haven Stream & Riff

i haven’t streamed in a while. i have been writing but not the free form automatic writing i call streams. They are fun and generative in such a different way than other kinds of writing.

i like the no expectation invitation to play of streams. Here’s one on haven.

Haven: an open space, a respite from the busy world, a spot to pause and reflect, a place of observation, the gap in a pulse, the quiet between sounds, the transition between in breath and out breath or out breath and in breath.

Breath the basis of haven, the place you can go, always there, grounding if you let it, just get present with what is so.

Then you can choose what’s next, even if it is only a tiny step into more unknown, to get back to present, get quiet, when the rush of the spinning earth has shaken us up, tired us out, or confused us.

Us a gathering in a field near a gazebo, the smell of dry hay, Oh! a nap in a haymow or on a sun warmed rock at the edge of a field or a lake, asking you to swim, swimming is a haven for me. Relaxing, i float, immerse in a slight bit of pressure, the water hugs me, reminds me that i can float. Yes, float in life when i believe i can, a recurring dream where i let go of doubt and resistance, float up again.

Haven, yes, a place to let go of doubt and fear and return to trust and confidence. Then, you can jump your frame of mind and find Magic!

Here are some older riffs on Haven that came about through the process of developing this site. This seemed like a good place to put them, at the beginning of a new year.

Haven, a place where ideas come together, sometimes divergent ideas, a place to refine creative solutions, a bridge between.

What if i am in between, a place to release the past, find gratitude and self forgiveness. Imagine the previously believed to be impossible future.

If a metaphor can illicit a quality of being, then Haven is a metaphor that represents a quality that i aspire to engage for myself and others. To be a Haven, to invite the in between, a safe place to explore and discover an invitation to create.   

When i invite the in between, it can be both scary and beautiful! It can be uncomfortable and exhilarating. Uncertain and grounding. i believe willingness to go there is also how we will solve the challenges ahead, as it’s in between where creativity is birthed, solutions found and the impossible becomes possible.

How do you do this in between?

Jump the Frame, Trust the Process, Be Present, Let go, Release Expectation, Connect, Be still, Move, Play, Love, Be Curious. Be Mischievous, Be Grateful. Engage a State of Appreciation.

Thank you,


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