Day 353: Despite good news today, i was feeling unsettled while drawing. It was fighting me. Before i started the drawing i’d outlined the cover of a book that is in process. i was thinking i’d draw the book that is yet to be, like i’ve drawn other actual books, nudge it along. Amusingly, the corner of the book is in the picture but the actual cover is off the top of the page the big green ball pushed it off the page needing more space to expand… Mid drawing i had to stop when ideas flashed about a new title and even a new logo that will likely be better than what i’d been working on for this Little Haven adventure. What a nice shift and gift derived from a fighting me drawing by breathing into it and continuing. Not only good ideas flowed but the drawing also improved when i went back to it after taking a break to jot my ideas and make side sketches.
What might happen if you replaced reactive tensing to resistance with breathing and the intention to practice relaxed concentration?