Guitar, Green Bugs
This is Nick, one of the musicians i enjoy drawing, with his green guitar. Yesterday, i discovered that our cabbages are being eaten by green bugs, worms or caterpillars, to be more precise. After the woodchuck ate them last year, we fenced.
This new pest to be reckoned with has me feeling a bit of a sickly green. i’d rather be feeling a lush tropical green.
Feeling Out of sorts… & not having streamed in a while, i gave it a go, below.
& few drawings from this week.

Out of sorts: Out of sorts, unsorted or, in the wrong order, out of order, its not your turn to speak yet, you, are out of order, broken, the machine has a sign on it, out of order. Does a machine interrupt, jump the line, line up, single file, take orders…
My inner judge is giving harsh orders and has me out of sorts, yes that’s where it started… out of sorts, for a time today. It felt as though i was in a mid summer dip. Dip as in slump, not a cool refreshing swim on a hot muggy July day. Though, i think a midsummer dip could fix a midsummer dip.
Ahhh! Then, i could eat some dip, sticking celery and carrots into a creamy potion, crunch, crunch, as i listen to a storm rumbling around, clearing the air, its cooler now. Ahhh Thunder, it excites me and calms me. & now i hear splashing water pouring out the uncapped gutter, gutter get your mind out of… sorts…
What helps you get sorted, when you’re Out of Sorts?

Thank you for reading!