Contexts have impact. When i was posting in The Creative’s Workshop participant message boards, it was a pretty safe space, only other participants and coaches. At first it was uncomfortable and then i got used to posting daily drawings, even ones i wasn’t crazy about. Some of my inner judging parts had to be convinced i could handle it, that yes i was now in charge and they would be okay even when i posted messy process drawings. It was liberating. Now with this blog, even though i have a small audience, its a new wider context, public, anyone could see them. Studious Girl is not so sure about the new level of exposure. She might rather stay hiding out behind the scenes. My inner mischievous one likes it. “Yes!” she says, you’re breaking a rule, exposing process, the messy stuff on the inside of making anything worth making. The underside, the underbelly…

So, here we go, two drawings today. Studious Girl has her arms folded and is a little cross, Cereal Girl, one of my inner playful persona’s, she’s digging it. She remembers the pure joy of making things and is happy to share, no matter what the results are. And yes, other parts are peeking around the corner watching to see how it goes…

Some of my intent with this blog is to share the process that might otherwise get edited out if i wasn’t committed to posting my daily drawings. i love process. i hope if you’ve found Little Haven and decided to stick around that you find it enjoyable, interesting and even helpful. In addition to posting drawings, i’ll also at times write about my inner process, exposing the conversations that are part of my growing evolving inner creative team. Sometimes, i will post stream writes another part of my creative practice and process.
By the way, small “i”s are intentional. i like their look and the notion of small i self reminding me to stay humble, be in student mind.
Thanks for joining me.