Week 5: My Reclamation of Magic
Late last eve, i let go of my plan to hit send on Friday every week. Is that eating crow? i said i’d publish every week… but its not really eating crow, i am not humiliated as i might have been in the past when falling short of my intentions or getting something wrong. So no Eating Crow today (but i like how it sounds). So, this is more about sharing crow, or Magic, my discovery about the symbolism of this mysterious bird.
The eagle drawing i’ve posted the last several weeks isn’t really an eagle but a crow in disguise. A friend noted that the line drawing looked like an eagle so i thought i’d explore that observation as i worked back into the second crow drawing. i agreed, it did look eagle like. This week i return to sharing crow in my reclamation of Magic!
On our trip to the Pacific North West in 2015, while camping on the Olympic peninsula, we unexpectedly shared our dinner with the crows, having been warned that they help themselves, i was watchful of them all around us in the trees. Alas, they were quicker than i, perceiving the perfect split second opportunity, only half turning my back to quickly retrieve a knife, the bread vanished in a flash! They sounded as though they laughed at me, i laughed too!
This drawing was my first attempt to draw back into my Loosey Goosey contour drawings begun last Feb. i’m posting it because the Crow-Eagle hasn’t changed much.
Here is the Magic
While walking up in a hilltop cemetery this week, i was dictating some unexpected thoughts about website content that popped into my head, language including “Magic” not at all my original intent. After noting this fun burst on the topic, i continued walking up and back towards another hill, there i saw a large group of crows. Recently, i’d been seeing and hearing lots of crows. Frequently enough and at interesting moments to get me wondering about their symbolism. Today, my curiosity finally piqued sufficiently to look them up, i found repeated references to life’s mystery and magic! Things being in disguise, the trickster and mischievousness. It became irresistible to share this drawing which includes the crow sculpture of my mother’s that was on top of a wardrobe, one reminding me of C.S. Lewis’s wonderful and magical book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I’m taking it as a sign to explore the mystery of crows and to go ahead and use the language of magic in my site, despite the part of me that thinks it might seem cliche. It definitely feels playful and that’s my leading edge!
What’s your leading edge?
i continue to do Loosey Goosey line drawings, here is Friday’s.
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