Day 359: Door Splash! Open the door to an old story, Step into the past through A Royal Splash! Some of these drawings are portraits of my Mother’s art both hers and others she has collected. Collaborations of a sort, This is a fun place with enticing subjects to draw. On the wardrobe is a sculpture of my Mother’s, A Royal Splash it has Christmas decorations set in front of it. They feel splashy too! This splash reminds me of the tinfoil crown and cheesecloth veil she made for me when i was 5 and thought maybe i would marry Prince Charles someday. It makes me laugh that my 5 year old self was so enamored with the myths of princesses and the Cinderella story that i actually cried while watching the investiture of Prince Charles on TV. At 5 i didn’t understand and thought because of all the ceremony, he must have been getting married. i’d missed my chance to make a Royal Splash!