
Rocker Paper Scissors

Clear! My word for the next year arrived in a meditation on the Solstice.

At first, i thought it was “clean”. i was considering exercise, food, my desire to be healthier and to let go of clutter. Hmmm, how to get there? “clean it up” and then after i said the word, “clean” in my mind, the word clear followed emphatically.

That’s it! Clear as the embodiment of what i would feel if i did “clean it up”. whatever “it” is that needs a bit of polish.

i want to be clear in my communications, clear in my body, mind and spirit, in my physical space, in my art, writing & work with others.

Last year i did an exercise at the new year of finding One Word for the year rather than a resolution. i’d been reminded of it in a newsletter by Jon Gordon author of The Energy Bus among other books.  It also came up in a moon meditation i participate in. The year before we had done a fun Solstice-Xmas exercise that Frauke, who runs the wild Women Moon Meditation had offered. i thought it would be fun to combine the two. i’m still in process with it.  

Yes in process with the drawing above, Rocker Paper Scissors too (Phase 1 and edited to add phase 2), a second Holiday Greeting and the Solstice Exercise which takes a few minutes everyday with a surprise at the end of 12 days when you unfurl the remaining hidden note. That’s the one you consciously focus on. More on that if you’re curious below the pub drawings from last week. 


2 Solstice - Christmas or New Year Activities

Here is my twist or spin on combining these 2 Turning of the Year exercises:

One Word & 12 Magic Nights to Bring in the Light!

Begun on the Solstice or as soon after in the New Year to bring in the light of longer days in a new way. 

First, take some quiet time and consider the Bumps & Bravos of the past year.

What went well? What to let go of? Consider the learning from your bumps and acknowledge & celebrate your Bravo’s, your wins.

Then think about what you’d like to bring about in the next year. What matters most? What needs to change? What is just an inkling calling you? What are the obvious changes needed? What are you curious about?

What might get in the way? What if you had more of, or less of, would accelerate the desired changes coming to fruition?

With the 12 Magic Nights Solstice Exercise, You write down 13 goals, intentions or themes, things that you’d like to bring about. 

With the One Word Exercise, you write down words that would help you bring about the desired goals and intentions. You can ponder the same questions. Then pick the one word that is provocative enough to energize the desired change. One word that might serve as a keystone of inner motivation, Inner desire to drive the change rather than external motivation of fear we can easily find ourselves moved by in a crisis or when our back is to the wall facing a problem needing change. 

What word, if embodied might inspire you to be your best self more of the time?

If you can’t come up with just one word but instead like happened for me last year. i had a whole series of words, all competing for the top spot.

Then combining the exercises might help. 

Write down your 13 top words. 13 words you want to cultivate or inhabit. Consider what words would most help you bring about the changes you seek.

Write each one of 13 out on its own small piece of paper.

Fold them up so you can’t read or distinguish one from another. And put them in a container, pouch box bowl… Mix em up! 

Each day for 12 days take some quiet time to yourself in the evening. Get present, breath deeply & draw one out thoughtfully. Without reading it, release it by tearing up, burning it, or some other means of your choosing. 

After 12 days, you have one left and that is the one you read and consciously focus your attention and energy on.

Have fun with it & Best Wishes for 2025!

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