Yes! Etch A Sketch, Magic Screen is in smaller type, i had not remembered that part of the name of this classic childhood toy. i find it a bit amusing given my playing with magic as i have with Little Haven.
Ed surprised me at Christmas with this delightful and fun present, inspired to acquire by my continuous line drawings.
Of course it brought a lot of laughter. Then, i though it’s not just a spoof gift… why not see what i can do with it. It turned out to be perfect timing for while the pub is closed so no drawing musicians on Wednesdays. What to do instead…
Etch A Sketch!
Below are my first attempts. Above drawing is first phase of color on last weeks.
Oh & there is even a rabbit in one of them. He is a big green rabbit. i could use a bit of magic right about now… it might be time to explore what’s in that old top hat.
What will you find? If not, a rabbit or “a boa constrictor eating an elephant”, what could be in your magic hat?