Captain's Chair view
I share some garden adventures below but first a few pub drawings from this week. i got a late start, so not so much to choose from. i like the third one of Nick from behind & the really simple first one.

Feeling a bit disoriented from my travel back and forth, to and from Poultney, Vt & Rosendale, NY. For some reason, more than usual this past Monday. Then the woodchucks had gotten in the garden again. Not sure how?
Maybe climbing the fence? Maybe they have a special key for getting in?
Human hair had gotten the persistent rodent to leave its spot under the barn (my Mom’s trimmings).
So i cut some of my hair (in need of a trim) and spread it around the garden perimeter. It clearly wasn’t sufficient as there was fresh munching evidence on Tues. Now i’m feeling defeated and disoriented, ha ha!
i made an appointment to get what i did to my hair fixed. Still unsettled Wed. afternoon, i said shorter from that irked at the groundhog vibe and said it again. Ooops!
i’m getting compliments, its a good cut but on a hot day working outside, i’m regretting that its too short to pull up!
Good thing hair grows and summer heat is nearly gone. Feeling amused at my rash adventure, i’m now just having fun with the mash up of adding to my own disorientation. Rarely, maybe once, have i had my hair so short i can’t pull it back!
The woodchucks didn’t care, even after collecting the hair cutters, clippings for the day and spreading them all around the garden perimeter Wed. night (we had rain, I think that makes it less effective). Thurs. they had eaten our kale, brussels sprouts and cabbages again…
Today i put more fence around the garden, a taller layer of chicken wire, Hopefully, we save what is left. Hopefully they don’t have a hidden magic key to get in.
Wishing you and me a rodent free week!
Let’s see a photo of that new hair do. I just had a different style cut, much shorter and different. I think the stylist was feeling disoriented! HaHa! Sorry about the ground hog. HUGS!
Ha Ha! i’ll see what i can come up with;-) All good lessons in letting go, i choose adventure as a perspective about it. Thank you!