Wednesday February 9th will be 2 years drawing every day. Also, 2 years blogging; first daily for a year, then after a brief break, weekly. i”ve got 2 more weekly posts to meet 52 weeks.
i’ve begun adding color to a drawing from another 2 year occasion. it’s time for more color and time to start sharing this work with a wider audience.
Thank you, for sticking with me in my newbieness as i got my bearings with this blogging process. i appreciate your attention and comments along the way.
What’s Next?
More, much more!
2 thoughts on “Cheers to 2”
Thanks for all you’re doing to encourage our creativity by honoring your own, Lisa.
Thanks for all you’re doing to encourage our creativity by honoring your own, Lisa.
You are welcome! Thank you for sharing the ride 🙂