Week 35 Ouch grrr to Silly Delight of a Mood-o-Meter
So much for releasing pounds of paper and outdated work bringing me back into flow, i’ve continue to run into more resistance, a gusty autumn stretch of mysterious quirks & some ornery hiccups with technology.
i discovered a problem with my contact form on this website, learned i wasn’t receiving messages from some unknown number of inquiries. In the process of fixing it, though unrelated, i was (for several days) intermittently locked out of the dashboard (where i make changes and fix issues like this).
If you’ve been trying to communicate with me, i apologize for any missed & disappeared communications.
Ouch! Grrr… Patience tested, my Sassy Cereal Girl had a little storm that eventually lead to making this silly drawing of a Mood-o-Meter which helped shift my sour state.
Feeling ornery or unsettled?
Take a few minutes to consult your your Mood-o-Meter.
Where’s the needle?
How could your raise it?
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