
to Water

or Sky or Fish or Trees or Keys on a Board or a Desk & Papers

What if you take 2 seemingly unrelated images, (or objects or sounds or smells or tastes) put them next to each other. What happens when they are in proximity to each other? What do you notice or experience?

Repeat, do it over again… with different images, how does the proximity to something change what you experience?

Pub drawings below from last week and a stream write below those, on the word, Proximity.

i haven’t done a stream in a bit feels rusty. i am posting anyway as this is process right…

Streams = words in proximity to each other...

Proximity to a place, a random place next to another place, a neighbor is a random sort of proximity, if you move someplace with out knowing who will be your neighbors, then there are words proximity of language a is next to b, i’ll be here and what’s in proximity to me at any given moment, there are many things that I can pay attention to or not and notice another proximity the way two objects look next to each other the way notes sounds next to each other. The color of the leaves and the birds sitting on the branch in proximity to the sky and the stars  in proximity to outer space when there’s a lot of space, it might not feel proximal at all but if you zoom out maybe the mountain and the river are really next to each other and there is rain falling coming from the sky and landing on the ground flowing through the river in the landscape and all the many things that cross paths with that drop of water are all in proximity.

Short week with the Holiday, i took it and sorted and cleared more for part of the day after shoveling…

Thank you! Especially if you made it this far! i hope you have a great week!

4 thoughts on “Proximity”

    1. Thank you Lobo! i appreciate your being here and commenting, it means a lot! Especially that you thought so on what i felt was a Meh post… thus the beauty of sharing work in process. The encouragement helps to counters my inner critical “so what” part, that would rather not have me posting. She’s learning with encouraging audience like you and (thank you too) David & Dusty’s help!

  1. Love it! We were discussing parataxis in the poetry group, a concept Major Jackson employs in his poems. I think proximity and maybe juxtaposition are also related concepts. We can observe one thing, but two things seem to beg comparison, contrasting, maybe judging, and possibly recognizing relationships we didn’t know existed. Thank you for sharing your ideas and drawings too!

    1. Thank you David! i didn’t know this great word, “parataxis”, fun had to look it up! & yes Juxtaposition, related and also love to play with that too. Slightly different nuance (could stream on that for fun) and yes all of that opening possibilities. Someday maybe i’ll join your poetry group. Appreciate your contribution here!

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