
Needs Leads

To temporarily adjusting priorities. 

Just when i thought i might have to set some drawing activity aside briefly in the juggle of transition. 

i had an experience that said 

No, don’t let it go

Egging me on…

Time will tell how it all falls into place…

Thanks for being here.

2 thoughts on “Overlapping”

  1. There is something just so energetic, enlivened, magical, enchanted–perhaps even possessed, sometimes–in your work.

    I have a sense of what’s depicted here, yet for instance, when I look at this color image, I’m transported to an animated world in which yellow mollusks chatter amongst themselves on the shelf,; several stories’ worth of brick-colored miniature people–like paper dolls stacked in a tower–are caught frozen in a snapshot, dancing in circles; and a few white towels seemingly flutter from invisible breezes, like sails expanding, dancing of their own accord.

    Time and time again, you conjure up fantastical never-never-lands of possibility for us, if we’d only open our eyes!

    (The pub drawings draw me in, too. The mood captured, the gestures hinted at.)

    1. Thank you Kathy! What a treat to get your message! i love what you wrote & to know that the work transports you & conjures such fantastic animated worlds. This is so fun & energizing to egg me on when thoughts of pausing because of an overfull plate sneak in to disrupt me. Thank you again!

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